The 3 Secrets of Success
Shared by History’s Most Powerful People
If you look back throughout time, some people always prosper, no matter what the rest of the world is going through.
When times are good, they do great. When times are bad – while everybody else is cutting back and making do – they still seem to make out like bandits. People like J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie.
During the Great Depression, while markets were plummeting, a small number of men were building empires. Empires that have lasted, up to this very day. The architects of these empires found opportunity in all the chaos.
Countless conspiracy theories have been written to explain the lasting power of these legacies. Rumors of secret cabals and occulted knowledge. But is there any truth to the rumors?
How do some people rise under any conditions? What sets them apart? What do they know that the rest of us don’t? What’s their secret?
Some people say, “It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.”
I’d argue, it’s both. It’s what you know, AND who you know.
There’s also a third ingredient that almost always goes ignored. But before we get into that, let’s take a look at the first two.
Secret Societies and the Uber Successful
With a little bit of digging, you’ll find many of the world’s most successful and influential people all belong to one secret society or another. Celebrities, politicians, CEOs of global corporations; their photos are littered with occult symbolism and hidden hand signs. How could it be that so many high-level people all belong to the same small number of secret societies?
Some claim they perform satanic rituals, and that’s where the source of their power lies. They dress up in robes and sacrifice children to their Owl God, in exchange for wealth and prosperity in the earthly realm. I’m not sure they’re wrong, but I tend to be skeptical.
For the people I’ve known in such groups (and I’ve known quite a few), it’s about networking. After all, your network impacts your net worth. Having friends in high places means more opportunities for advancement. Capitalism, for all its virtues, still has a strong vein of cronyism at its core.
There’s also the fact that you tend to be the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. Having a place where you can surround yourself with other successful people will bring out the best in you. A community where successful people lift each other up will appeal to anyone with some drive and a dream.
The concept of secret societies, absent the questionable rituals often ascribed to them, makes sense to me.
The Power of the Mastermind
When I was in my early 30’s, I read Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. It was one of those life-altering books that you want everyone to read after getting a taste. In it, he reveals the concept of mastermind groups.
The idea is that whenever two or more minds come together and focus on one goal, they create a new force, “the mastermind”.
Hill believed the combined power of the mastermind became greater than the sum of its parts. He asserted that no obstacle in its path could prevent it from reaching its goal. The mastermind, he proclaimed, was what gave the titans of his day their dominance over each one’s respective industry.
I’m not sure if I’d take it that far. But after reading his book, I did go out and start a mastermind group of my own. The results were nothing short of amazing.
Having a group of peers, all dedicated to helping each other succeed, all bringing knowledge and insight that no single other member has on their own, is truly a force of unmatched power.
The group has the combined years of knowledge and experience from all its members. When you’re missing vital pieces of the puzzle, another member is there to provide them. One suggestion sparks an idea from someone else with a different perspective. Insight and creativity snowballs.
Attending a mastermind meeting can verge on the magical. I can see where Napoleon Hill would draw his conclusions.
But that’s only half of the equation.
Ancient Teachings of the Masters
The other secret behind these good ol’ boys clubs is their occult teachings. And by occult, I mean “hidden from the masses.”
Their libraries are vast and insightful. Their symbols; layered in hidden meaning. For those who seek it, there’s an abundance of knowledge about human nature, collected over the centuries, just waiting to be discovered.
Knowledge is power, and knowledge of what makes people tick is the greatest knowledge of all.
The Vatican has an entire underground library, filled with literature they keep secreted away. The Masonic Lodge in your town has its own collection of books, many of which you wouldn’t even find in the Library of Congress. And what do most of these books pertain to? The human mind, and how it ticks.
It’s simple, if you can master yourself, you can master the world around you. Much of what these books cover is how to master yourself. But I have to admit; I’ve read quite a few, and many of them are like a double-edged sword.
They could be used to master one’s self. They could also easily be used to position yourself as the master of others.
So, are there individuals – even groups of individuals – inside these groups who’ve used this secret knowledge to manipulate others and attain power for themselves? Most likely, yes. To presume not would be naive. This is why I don’t completely write off all the wacky conspiracy theories that you read online.
But that poses the question…
Should We Outlaw This Kind of Power?
When I first started learning about secret societies, my first thought was that they should be outlawed.
If you’re not doing anything wrong, you shouldn’t have anything to hide. That’s what I believed. But then I gave it some more consideration.
Under tyrants, secret societies are a must if there is ever to be hope of dethroning those in power. If it wasn’t for the Rosicrucians, the enlightenment might never have happened. As I studied more, and tried to talk about what I was learning with other people, I discovered that most people just have no interest in knowing what these societies know.
Most of the things taught inside their literature have no audience outside their lodges. The masses are perfectly content to remain ignorant. Moreover, the masses tend to misinterpret these teachings and often end up demonizing those who do pursue them.
Once I stopped seeing the world as a comic book, with clear-cut good guys and bad guys, my position changed on these societies and the secrets they’ve kept guarded.
As I’ve grown, studied psychology and marketing, and joined and started groups of my own, I’ve come to appreciate what secret societies have to offer
I understand the danger they can present. But I also see the tremendous power for good that they can be.
I’ve also been a member of multiple masterminds.
We met in secret. We plotted and schemed. We’ve had teachers come in to share privileged information. To those not in the know, what we do behind closed doors would look nefarious, indeed.
As a conspiracy theorist myself, I can see why such groups might raise suspicion. As a marketer and a businessman, my position on them has evolved over the years.
Instead of banning secret societies, I now believe we should be emulating them. At the very least, we should be taking away from the good of them, and doing away with the bad.
And that was my inspiration for creating…
The Sacred Order of the FMS
What if you could access teachings from some of the most successful marketers in the world?
What if you had access to templates and formulas that the world’s greatest copywriters use when drafting their own sales letters?
What if you had a community of people to call on whenever you were struggling with something outside your area of expertise?
What if there was something akin to a secret society, only it was exclusive to business owners, marketers, and copywriters?
How much knowledge about success, persuasion, and self-mastery could such a place hold?
And if such a place existed, how much would it be worth for you to be a member?
Well, as luck would have it… such a place does in fact exist.
FMS is a private community where you can connect with other people just like you. Business owners, marketers, copywriters, and advertisers. People focused on building up their own businesses, but also on building up a community as well.
Is that something you’d want to be a part of?
My name is Nathan Fraser. I’m a copywriter, a marketer, and a social engineer. As fate would have it, I entered this world the same year that Jim Jones took his exit.
I’ve never been a fan of drinking Kool-Aid, but I have spent ungodly amounts of time studying cults, groupthink, and trauma-based mind control. It was a teenage hobby that later developed into my career.
Growing up, I hated the idea of authority. Most of what I studied came from a desire to exercise my own autonomy.
I researched media manipulation and brainwashing. I geeked out on symbolism and the origins of words. I was obsessed with where power came from and how to fight back against it.
At 17, I dropped out of high school. I hopped from couch to couch, working full time, and trying to save up money to get a place of my own.
I never went to college, never got an MBA, but I read more books, and spent more time learning, than almost anyone else my age.
Before long, I realized I wasn’t cut out for the corporate world. Following orders and complying with dress codes just wasn’t my thing. So, I decided to try my hand at starting a business.
My little brother and I started an indie record label when I was 19. We partied away all our profits but it taught me some valuable business and life lessons.
Later, I started a t-shirt company. It didn’t bankrupt me. But it left me with boxes full of unsellable inventory, which piled up in my garage.
Then I started a software company. We created a perfect product, worked out a distribution deal, and got bent over a barrel when it came time to hit the market.
Business failure after business failure; until I almost gave up on my dreams of being an entrepreneur for good.
That last experience finally woke me up. I realized I was going about things the wrong way. I had a bunch of backward belief systems in my head that were holding me back from reaching my goals. Three in particularly were:
- I thought the best product would win out in a free market.
I thought, all I had to do was build a better mousetrap and the world would beat a path to my doorway… I was wrong. You can build it, but nobody’s gonna buy it, unless they know about it. So, I took what I knew about manipulation and persuasion, and decided to add marketing to my toolbelt as well.
- I had massive hang-ups about money and success.
Growing up in poverty, with hardcore leftwing politics all around me, I had a lot of head shit that stood in my way of swinging for the fences. My friends at the time looked down on the people I was trying to emulate. I needed to change the types of people I was hanging around.
- I thought I could go it alone.
Foolish pride and a fierce spirit of independence got in my way more times than I could count. I distrusted authorities and didn’t play well with others. But trying to take on everything by myself was leading to a major burnout. I needed a community of people who would want to help me and be happy to get help from me.
That was the inspiration behind creating the FMS. That was the name of my first MasterMind Group. But as time went on, it ended up becoming a whole lot more.
After creating the FMS, my business started to explode. In a few short years, I went from barely scraping by to earning about 10k a month, on average. And it wasn’t just my business that was affected.
What started out as a group call six years ago, grew into something bigger. We started a Facebook group, which broke off into smaller mastermind calls. Then we started getting some of the biggest names in the copywriting world to come on and give private trainings on how they write their sales copy.
What it became was a private community with some of the highest-level information about copywriting and marketing out there.
I’ve created some exclusive trainings on how I write my copy and bring on new clients. We’ve had master copywriters like David Garfinkel, Joe Schiefer, and Ben Settle come on and do the same. We reveal what made us successful, and give you the exact steps we use when writing copy for 6, 7, and even 8-figure promotions.
FMS – The Three Pillars of Our Community
These are the three core values our community is built upon. If even one of them doesn’t resonate with you, you’re not a good fit and should stop reading now. If we let you in, and you show that you’re not aligned with any of these three values, we will cast you out like last week’s garbage.
We are more than a community, we are a family. We look out for each other. We lift each other up. We can squabble amongst ourselves, but we always have each other’s backs when attacked from the outside.
If you show that you do not practice this value, or deserve it from your fellow members, you’re out of the main group. And if you show yourself to be a world-class piece of shit, I’ll cancel your access to the trainings and give you your money back.
We give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but those who don’t take the Vow of Family seriously have no place amongst us.
We strive to be the masters of ourselves, our surroundings, and our craft.
Only once one has mastered themselves can they go out and master the world around them. That is why self-development is a core part of what makes a good member of our community.
Also, we only want people who desire to master the arts of persuasion and influence. This is not for someone who wants to dip their toes in and see how the water feels. This is only for those who seek to become a master at marketing, copywriting, and all other things in the realm of persuasion.
This one is non-negotiable. What you learn in the FMS cannot be shared outside of our community. We keep our secrets close to our chest. We don’t throw pearls before the swine. Our teachings and our methods are for us, exclusively.
Likewise, if a fellow member confides in you, you must maintain their confidence. To seek advice from our peers, we must trust they won’t betray us. Without this, everything falls apart.
If a member violates the rights of another person, you are not required to respect their privacy. This is the only exception.
Family – Mastery – Secrecy – FMS
These are the pillars, the basis upon which everything else relies. If you find yourself at odds with any one of them, you are not FMS material.
Things Your Teachers Never Taught You
Let’s face it; our school system sucks. Most of the kids coming out of it are being set up to fail.
We cram them into overstuffed classrooms and give them a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching. We punish them for challenging the established norms and teach them that all knowledge comes from authority. We train them to respond like Pavlov’s dogs, every time they hear a ringing bell.
12 years of obedience training which produces compliant worker bees, ready for the factory floor. It’s no wonder that most kids come out of school with no ambition, other than to work for someone else and hope for a decent wage.
I say “factory floor” because that’s how it originated. I’m not just being hyperbolic for effect.
In the early 1800s, we set out to create a school system for the public. The people in charge of this project looked far and wide for a model to mimic. Horace Mann (known as the godfather of American public schools) was at the forefront of this movement. They eventually found what they were looking for in what was then known as the Kingdom of Prussia.
Years before, the King of Prussia had a pretty big problem on his hands. Like most European rulers of his time, his wars of expansion seemed non-stop. His population grew tired of endless conflict and the soldiers started to rebel. The King went to his most trusted advisor for a solution to the growing dissonance in his ranks.
His advisor requested the power to create an educational system, make attendance mandatory, and pay for it with taxes. In doing so, they could create a more literate population. But they could also indoctrinate the students for eight years. They hoped to breed a heavy sense of nationalism and blind obedience to the King.
It worked.
After one generation, literacy rates jumped, and so did recruitment rates. When Horace Mann and his cohorts visited Prussia, they quickly became converts of the Prussian model. They decided to adopt it, and bring it back here to America… but with a twist.
Instead of using it to create obedient soldiers, like they were doing in Prussia, they wanted to use it in the creation of obedient factory workers. The goal was to create people smart enough to work the machines, but not smart enough to start a business of their own.
Like in Prussia, It was a smashing success.
And for years, that’s what we’ve used the educational system for; to create workers, and discourage free thinkers. Programs like “No Child Left Behind” and “Common Core” have shifted the focus onto preparing children for the service industry. But the end result is still the same… workers, not thinkers.
There are a lot of other subtle lessons we teach our kids in public schools. Some of these lessons become even more blatant at the higher levels of education. These are the same lessons you were taught in school, whether you realized it or not.
“Making money is hard.”
“Most businesses fail.”
“Rich people are evil and greedy.”
“It’s safer to fall into line, follow orders, and collect a paycheck.”
And the list goes on.
They teach you math and how to read and write. They even teach you a highly revised version of history. But they don’t teach you the skills that set successful people apart from all the bottom feeders.
Discover What’s Been Hidden from You
What you’ll discover when you join the FMS is all the stuff they refuse to teach you in school.
These are the tools for self-mastery, and the mastery of others. These are the tricks that compliance professionals use to keep the masses in line. These are the things that make us tick, trigger our subconscious, and turn us into putty in the hands of our rulers.
Some might even call them Dark Arts.
There’s a reason they don’t teach these things in school. For one, you don’t want the public finding out how easy they are to control. It would ruin the whole “illusion of freedom” thing we’ve got going on.
Second, if the public knew the tactics being used against them, those tactics would lose most of their power. When you show someone how the trick is done, it loses its magic. The whole system might begin to unravel if that were to happen.
Besides, most people don’t even want the responsibility that comes along with freedom. They don’t want the accountability. They don’t want to deal with the consequences of their own decisions.
Only one in a hundred people actually want to lead. The rest are happy to follow. Most want someone to point the way. Only a select few are interested in developing themselves into competent leaders.
Why even bother informing the masses that another way is possible? Such claims are often met with hostility and accusations of heresy. It’s better just to let them be.
As far as my profession is concerned, we don’t hide what we do. We influence the masses and guide their decisions. But we do keep most of “how we do it” close to our chests.
Politicians and journalists aren’t quite as open about what they do. They disguise their manipulation as representing you and keeping you informed. Most school teachers don’t even realize what they’re doing. But us marketers and copywriters; we know exactly what we’re doing, and we make no bones about it.
We persuade people.
We use every tool at our disposal.
We study the most persuasive people throughout history; from salesmen, to dictators, to cult leaders, and more. We take what psychologists discover about how the mind works, and use it to build ourselves up and increase the influence we have over our surroundings.
We also use this knowledge to make a lot of money for ourselves and others, but that’s merely a side product of mastering yourself and mastering the art of persuasion.
Grow your network by joining our mastermind. Master yourself and the world around you. Master the arts of persuasion and influence. Become the leader you’re meant to be. That’s what it means to be part of the FMS.
Success Secret #1
Being stuck inside the frame makes it hard to see the bigger picture. Sometimes a mentor or partner can shed some light on your situation. Two minds are always better than one. Now, imagine having a mastermind.
FMS is the Secret Society of Success. It’s a combination of free trainings and community. It’s the knowledge you need and the support network you deserve. It’s everything a successful entrepreneur has and you’ve been missing out on.
If you need inspiration, encouragement, and insight, you’ll have access to the online community. There’s a private Facebook group with other business owners waiting to connect with you.
If you need to up your marketing game, there’s an entire course dedicated to it. You’ll get advice from top marketers on how to build your website, grow your email list, write copy for your sales pages, and more.
As the group grows, we’ll use it to connect you with people you can start your own IRL Mastermind with. You’ll be able to connect and take your networking to the next level. You’ll also get the template I use for my own personal mastermind group.
But the FMS isn’t for everyone. It’s for people whose main drive is personal freedom; people who have no choice but to be their own boss. There are a few requirements to join, but we’ll get into that in a bit. First, let me tell you about some of the free trainings you’ll get access to when you join.
Success Secret #2
But don’t get it twisted… “what” you know DOES matter.
Knowledge is power. And knowing how to persuade is almost a superpower.
We’ve been studying the human mind for thousands of years. Countless experiments, studies, and black-ops programs have led to a wealth of insight into what makes people tick. We know their triggers. We can pull their strings and make them dance if we want to.
I’d like to sugar coat it and make it sound less nefarious than it is, but I won’t. This is the power we now have.
I’ve always been a freak about delving into this stuff. It’s out there. It’s real. And I don’t want to be a victim of it. It has a lot of overlap with marketing and selling.
I trust that you will only use your powers for good. Specifically; your own intellectual self-defense, becoming a pillar of society, and bringing in more business.
If you can trust yourself not to abuse this knowledge, then you’re probably ready to enter the FMS and access our library of exclusive trainings.
First Degree: Novitiate
The Foundations
In the First Degree, you’ll master the art of getting sales without a marketing budget. Everything you discover in this degree can be used in organic, unpaid advertising. This is where you nail it, take the money you earn, and have the ability to scale it.
The 12-Step Sales Page Template
This is the template I’ve used to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales for myself and my clients. It’s worked for selling software, services, products, online courses and anything else you can imagine. I’ve taken lessons passed on from the masters of copywriting and applied it to how things get sold on the internet; namely, sales pages.
This easy-to-follow guide breaks down how a sales page should function, step-by-step. In it, you’ll discover:
- How to grab attention with your headlines
- How to keep people reading with your hooks
- Why orange tennis balls are easier to sell than green ones (and how to use that information to make more sales of your own)
- 10 different ways to write bullets that people can’t ignore
- Where the exact perfect place to put your “Buy Now” button is
- A list of deal-killing words you never want to include on your sales page
- 3 ways to increase the perceived value of your offer by adding a little bit of scarcity
- How to make complete strangers feel comfortable with handing you their money
- And a whole lot more
This is the guide I wish I’d had when I first started selling things on the internet. If you’ve got an online business or an online store, this template will help you start pulling in more sales. Read it. Implement it. Start living the life of an online entrepreneur, today.
When you join the FMS, I’ll send you a free copy of the Print Book. You’ll also get instant access to both the eBook and AudioBook files when you join.
Five Points Profits Multiplier
What’s the easiest way to increase conversions on your sales page?
It’s simple… Have people pre-sold and primed to buy before you send them there.
The Five Points marketing plan is what we use to make sure the people who reach our sales pages are already ready to buy. It’s how I frequently get above 10% conversion rates on my promotions; sometimes up to 18% and more.
If you want to know the secret to indoctrinating people and turning them into the perfect buyers, you can’t afford to miss out on this training.
I usually reserve this knowledge for my 5K-a-month clients. Now I’m also making it available exclusively for members of the FMS Mastermind.
How to Get More Sales with Stories
Stories have the ability to change the world. So, of course, they can increase your sales… If you know how to tell them right.
Landon Porter and Nathan Fraser team up to bring you this Bonus Training on how to weave stories into your sales message and get more sales. But this isn’t just a short lesson on how to use the Hero’s Journey to make a sales pitch. This is an in-depth look at psychology, what hooks people’s interest, what makes them identify with your message, and more.
When you master the art of storytelling, people will lower their defenses, let you take control, and allow you to lead them to where you want them to go.
We reveal:
- 8 different story templates to use in your sales messages
- How to pick the stories that will work best for your market
- How to edit your stories down to their key selling aspects
- How to transition from your story to your offer
- And much more
This course sold as a stand-alone training for $99.97. But, because stories work so well for marketing, I’ve decided to add it as a bonus training for the FMS.
Second Degree: Artifex
Getting a Return on Paid Advertising
Here’s the dirty little secret no platform wants you to know about… most people lose money by the barrel full when they start running paid ads. That’s why I prefer Direct Response advertising to regular advertising. You measure what works, you write better ads, you turn one dollar into two, and so on.
Now that you know the foundations, it’s time to start using advertising like a water faucet. You want more sales? Turn the nozzle. But make sure you’re turning it in the right direction. With what you discover in the Second Degree, you’ll always know which direction to twist when you need a flood of new customers.
How to Conduct In-Depth Market Research with Ben Settle
If you know your market well enough, your sales copy can practically write itself. That’s why I brought Ben Settle on for this exclusive training on how to research your market.
Ben is known as the king of email marketing. In this training, he lays out exactly what he does before he starts writing copy for his emails.
You’ll discover:
- Where to go to get honest feedback from your market
- Things to avoid when doing your research
- How to gain instant trust from the people in your market
- Who to interview when researching your market
- Which questions to ask in your interviews
- A secret trick used by the Norman B. Norman Agency that almost guaranteed them sales on every piece of copy they ran
- And a lot more
This training is a little over an hour long. It’s exclusive to this course and members of the FMS. The method Ben reveals will make writing your copy easier than it’s ever been before.
Email Marketing Made Easy
This is the premier course on email marketing. Brought to you by Landon Porter and myself, it’s six hours long and takes you from email newbie to email master.
Inside, you’ll discover:
- 7 easy ways to start growing your email list today
- What makes for the best lead magnets
- How to write emails people actually open and read
- Ways to come up with daily content for your emails
- What it takes to get people buying from your emails
- 2 powerful email sequences that turn your list into an ATM
- And a whole lot more.
This course gives you all the secrets I’ve used to build both of my businesses when it comes to email marketing. Whether you’re just getting started, you’re struggling to gain traction, or you’re looking for some tips to put your email game over the top, I’ve got you covered.
This Training originally sold for $397 as a live training. Now, you can only get it if you’re a member of the FMS.
The Million Dollar Sales Letter Template with David Garfinkel
Writing a great sales letter is a lot easier if you have a proven recipe. That’s why I got David Garfinkel to come on and break down one of his highest-profiting sales letters. And it’s a template that works great for writing emails.
This is an 8-part template that walks you through constructing the perfect sales pitch. We go deep on all 8 parts, explain what to include, and how to transition from each part to the next. This template was originally part of David’s High-Speed Copywriting event, where people paid $1,300 to attend. But, when you join the FMS, you get the entire template included for free.
If you’re looking for the perfect template for long-form sales letters and emails, this is it. And it’s taught to you by the World’s Greatest Copywriting Coach, David Garfinkel.
Third Degree: Magister
Becoming a Master Marketer
Only the best of the best can claim the title of Master Marketer. These are the people who close multi-thousand dollar deals. These are the people who build multi-million dollar businesses. To reach this level, you need to be on a whole other level when it comes to persuasion.
These trainings are only for those who have mastered everything that came before. They’re for closing big deals with a lot of money on the line. The knowledge covered here could be used for a lot of bad if placed in the wrong hands. It could also lead to disastrous results if employed by someone without a solid understanding of the foundations.
Social Media ShitPosting for Fun and Profit
In the training, you’ll discover:
- The Secret to Going Viral
Understanding this one simple concept about social media algorithms has helped many of my posts go viral. You change the goal of your post to this objective, and your shit will blow up like fireworks on the Fourth of July.
- 3 Deadly Mistakes That Are KILLING the Reach of Your Posts
Stop doing these three things and you’ll see an immediate increase in the engagement on your posts, stories, videos, and promotions.
- 9 Kinds of Posts, Proven to Boost Your Engagement, Build Rapport with Your Followers, Position You as an Authority, and Drive More Sales
These are not fill-in-the-blank, copy-and-paste status updates. Those are tactics. This is strategy. These are the nine things people go to social media for, and once you become the person who supplies them, you’ll have your followers hooked on you like a crack addicts in the ’80s.
- Messenger Marketing Secrets That Turn Conversations into Conversions
You’re posting. People are engaging. Some of those people are raising their hands and saying, “Hey, I’m interested in what you have to offer.” What now?
When the right people raise their hands, you’ll know exactly what kind of message to send them to get them excited about hearing your offer.
You’ll also have lots of people flooding your inbox, wanting to see if they can get a taste of your thing. You’ll learn how to weed out unqualified people, before you waste time getting on a call with them.
These conversations feel 100% natural, don’t come off like spammy sales pitches, and can happen all through messenger, making them perfect for social introverts.
Trojan Horse Prospecting with Landon Porter and Nathan Fraser
Content marketing is great and all, but the payoff isn’t immediate. If you’re a service provider looking for new clients, there’s a way to use your content that gets instant results.
You can use your blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or social media to start pulling in 4 and 5 figure clients, right now.
This is the simple method I’ve used to get most of my clients. It helps you reach out, provide value upfront, establish yourself as a trustworthy authority in your field, and follow up with a simple sales conversation.
Best of all, anyone can use it. If you have any sort of online presence, you can be getting more clients, today.
Close High Ticket Sales Calls with Landon Porter
Sometimes great sales copy isn’t enough. The best marketing funnels often end with a personal sales call. This is especially important for high-ticket services and products. Now you’ll be able to get on a call with your prospects, qualify and get them primed to buy, without forcing them through some generic sales script.
Landon Porter is the Sales Gorilla. He worked in sales for 15 years, closing million dollar deals for giant businesses. His specialty is one-on-one sales calls, with a twist. Landon teaches people how to get sales by being themselves.
His process is easy to do, positions you as an authority and takes all the pressure out of sales calls. By the end of this one module, you’ll be closing clients who pay you more, value you your insight, and you actually enjoy working with.
Originally sold as a $1,000 training. It’s worth much more than that.
Story-Boarding Sales Copy with Joe Schriefer
Long form sales letters can be a pain in the ass to write. But, if you’re selling a high-priced item, or if you’re selling to a skeptical market, Long form sales copy is a must.
Joe Schriefer is one of the most successful copywriters in the financial industry. He sells a variety of investment newsletters to a very sophisticated, highly skeptical market. Thanks to Joe’s method of copywriting, he and his team are able to compete with the best in the business and beat them at their own game.
In this training, Joe breaks down his “Copy-Boarding” formula. First, you’ll find out how to create the Big Idea for your sales letter. Next, you’ll discover Joe’s method for overcoming all your reader’s objections. Finally, you’ll see how Joe seamlessly transitions into an offer, without skipping a beat.
With this method, writing long-form sales copy is a piece of cake. Joe and his team use this formula to write for the most lucrative markets in the world. Their sales letters bring in millions of dollars each year. I couldn’t put a price tag on this one if I wanted to.
Success Secret #3
Remember when I told you there was a third ingredient to success that almost no one ever talks about? Well, here it is… Action.
It doesn’t matter who you know or what you know if you’re not someone who takes action.
Taking action is what separates the dreamers from the doers. Taking action commits you to the outcome and lets the universe know you’re ready to begin.
Knowledge is power… but only when combined with action.
Are you ready to take action?
Get access to our private community of business owners and marketers. Get access to a growing library of exclusive training sessions from industry leaders. These are the people who paved the way for the rest of us. And now they’re providing their expertise to you. But only if you join our ranks.
Do you want the cutting edge that a mastermind group can provide? Do you want exclusive access to training material from top marketers and copywriters that can’t be found anywhere else? Do you want to invest in yourself and your business?
The Two Paths
There are two paths each one of us must choose from in life.
Path Number One; Keep Doing What You’ve Been Doing
Keep doing things the hard way.
Keep struggling and getting the same results you’ve been getting.
Change is scary. Investing in yourself is risky. Joining a new community can be intimidating.
I get it.
You always have the option to stay in your comfort zone.
It’s what most people do. And I won’t hold it against you if that’s what you decide to do.
Or, you can take…
Path Number Two; Reach for Greatness
Join our community and become part of something greater than yourself.
- You’ll get instant access to all FMS Trainings.
- You’ll maintain access for the rest of your life, without ever having to make another payment.
- You’ll also get automatic access to any future trainings we release, free of charge.
You’ll also maintain lifetime membership in our private community.
Oh, and if something should ever happen and I have to take this website/training area down, I’ll give you access to download the trainings to your computer.
When I say “Lifetime Access”, I mean Lifetime Access.
For a single payment of $397, you’ll get access to our private community, thousands of dollars worth of trainings, and the ability to fast-track your way down the path of becoming a world-class marketer and successful business owner.
Which path will you choose?
Join the FMS Elite Mastermind Group today.
FMS Mastermind
Lifetime Membership
- Instant Access to All Trainings
- Free Copy of How to Write the Perfect Sales Page
- Lifetime Access to the Secret Facebook Group
- Secret Bonus Trainings
- And More
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who is the FMS Elite Mastermind Group for?
A: You have to be a business owner, marketer, or copywriter to join our ranks. But that’s not the only requirement.
We want rebels. We want mavericks. We want people who forge their own path, question authority and live by their own code. You have to have the BYOBoss mentality if you want to fit in with the FMS.
Q: If these trainings are so valuable, why are they all free for anyone who joins?
A: This isn’t my main source of income. Using what you’ll learn in these trainings, I’m pulling in a little over $10k a month right now.
I don’t need to sell them for what they’re worth. I’m not hurting for money.
This is my way of giving back.
I’d make access free if I didn’t know that people don’t value what they don’t invest in. So I give as much as I can and I keep the bar low enough that someone like 19-year-old me would be able to take advantage of it.
That said, any of the trainings with a dollar value listed is what we charged when people attended that training. The price you see is the price live attendees paid. You get all the trainings for a fraction of the price.
You’re not buying the courses, you’re paying dues to be a part of our community. The trainings are a value-add to show you how much I appreciate having you around.
Q: Is there more than one Degree to membership?
A: Yes. There are three separate degrees, each one with more advanced trainings than the last. The first degree sets out foundational marketing knowledge, aimed at people just learning how to sell and run their business. Each Degree after builds on that knowledge, transforming you into a world-class marketer and copywriter by the end of your Third Degree.
Q: Are there any people who aren’t welcome in FMS?
A: Yes, we discriminate.
We don’t want you if you’re not serious about building or growing your business. We don’t want you if you’re still chasing every new “opportunity” that comes your way. We don’t want people with a “Get Rich Quick” mindset.
Building a business takes time and dedication. It takes a network and it requires you to learn how to sell. If that sounds like too much work for you, GTFO. We don’t want you.
Q: Do I have to start at the First Degree?
A: I recommend starting at the First Degree and working your way through. Each training builds on the knowledge learned from the last. The trainings in the Third Degree are for closing multi-thousand dollar sales and shouldn’t be taught to anyone without a healthy understanding of the foundations. That being said, you don’t have to start at square one.
If you’re ready for the more advanced stuff, you do get instant access to every training when you join with a Lifetime Membership.
Q: Are there rules for staying in the community?
A: Yes. First and foremost, you must respect the privacy of all members. What happens in the FMS, stays in the FMS. No exceptions. You violate the privacy of another member, you’re out. No refunds. No questions asked.
Second, you must be there to lift others up and help them grow. The more you give, the more you get, the more valuable the community is, as a whole.
Third, no pissing matches. No dick measuring contests. No backstabbing and in-fighting. Show other members the respect you want to receive. It’s about helping each other grow, not about proving we know more than the next guy or gal (or attack helicopter).
Q: What happens if I break the rules?
A: If you become a drag on the community, you’re out. I cancel your membership and you can’t get back in. Also, if you get kicked out because you treat other members like crap… I’m keeping your money. Consider it an “Asshole Tax”..
You’ll still be able to access all your training modules, but you won’t be able to interact with the community from that point forward.
My main goal is to create a powerful network of marketers and business owners. Keep that as your goal and you’ll be golden.
Q: Are there refunds if I discover FMS is not for me?
A: Yes. If, for any reason at all, you decide you don’t want to be a member within the first 30 days of signing up, I’ll refund 100% of your Membership Fee, no questions asked.
You will, however, be forbidden from rejoining for an undisclosed amount of time.
Sometimes I’m gracious and I let people back in when they ask. Sometimes I’m a dick and certain people never make it back in at all.
Are You Ready to Join the Inner Circle of Persuasion Professionals?
Okay, if you’re still reading, and all that makes sense to you, you’re ready to join.
I just need a little information from you and you’ll be ready to go. You’ll get access to your trainings and I’ll send you a link to the private community. You’ll get the skills and network you need to succeed in whatever business path you’ve chosen.
Join the FMS Elite Mastermind Group Today
FMS Mastermind
Lifetime Membership
- Instant Access to All Trainings
- Free Copy of How to Write the Perfect Sales Page
- Lifetime Access to the Secret Facebook Group
- Secret Bonus Trainings
- And More
Paying Your Dues
FMS Elite is a membership program. It’s a private community, and one way we keep it exclusive is by enforcing a paywall. We are a Members-Only community.
Not all business owners take their marketing serious enough to invest in what we offer. Many others have no interest in mastering themselves and the world around them. We don’t want people like that in our ranks. We only want those who are seeking what we have to offer and are willing to invest in themselves in order to get it.
At this point, you have a few options.
- You can continue trying to grow your business with no advertising and no network.
- You can do it the hard way, wasting money on ads that don’t work and not having a community to learn from. Or,
- You can invest in yourself, join the FMS, and start making that investment back in droves.
The choice is yours.
Are you a business owner? Do you advertise? Do you want master the arts of persuasion and influence by learning from the best in the game? Do you understand the value of networking and and a strong community?
If so, then you might be a good fit for the FMS Elite Mastermind.
Money Back Guarantee
What’s a good sales letter without a good “Money Back Guarantee”? Well, this is one with a twist.
Here’s the hard truth about marketing; there are no guarantees. Ad’s fatigue. An offer can be killing it this week, and be dead on the floor by next. The same sales letter can be mailed to two different lists and get two completely different results. A business owner can have all the information in the world at their disposal, but without the appropriate action, all that information is worthless.
So, what can I guarantee? Well, I can guarantee this: If you invest in yourself, you will see a return on that investment.
In my opinion, investing in yourself is the smartest investment you can make.
Over the last decade or so, I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in my own marketing education. I’ve also invested time and energy into using what I’ve learned. Because of those investments, I now have two profitable businesses that bring me in a steady income, month after month. I’ve earned every penny of my investment back, multiple times over.
Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in your business? Will you invest the time, energy, and money needed to turn your marketing process into a sales machine? If so, joining the FMS will be one of the best investments you ever made in yourself. That’s my guarantee.
Yes, I’ll refund your initial membership fee if you decide to quit within the first 30 days. But it’s not because I’m worried you won’t like what you see. It’s because I refuse to surround myself with quitters.
Are you a winner? Does this make sense to you? If so, you’re the kind of person the FMS was made for.
Sign up and join us, today.
FMS Mastermind
Lifetime Membership
- Instant Access to All Trainings
- Free Copy of How to Write the Perfect Sales Page
- Lifetime Access to the Secret Facebook Group
- Secret Bonus Trainings
- And More